In April and May, we expect to see further lifting of Covid-19 restrictions that will see pubs and retail premises reopen to the public, as well as cinemas, theatres and libraries. If your premises have been left dormant for a while, we highly recommend you arrange a check of your sewage and drainage facilities before you open again, to ensure there are no nasty surprises that could catch you out and even shut you down, such as a cracked pipe or blocked drain, just as you are trying to get going again!

Avoiding any further disruption to business is something we all want to see if we are to get the economy up and running again.

Keeping everyone safe while we work

As discussed in a previous post, Lockdown 3.0, everyone at Drain and Sewer Services has adapted the way we work with customers, whether in their homes or workplace. We make sure they feel comfortable so that when they need our services, we will provide them safely.

In schools, for example, whilst there have been fewer pupils around, we’ve been taking the opportunity to resolve many drainage issues on their premises, whilst protecting pupils and staff. We’re making sure our people use the correct PPE and our work practices are COVID-19 safe, with as little contact with others as possible.

Working during a global pandemic and lockdown was a challenge we never expected to face, but the nature of our work means we are used to adapting to different working environments and situations all the time. So, when Covid-19 restrictions came in, we were prepared to take one more situation in our stride.

The good safety practices we’ve put in place in schools means we’re also ready to support pubs, restaurants, hotels, retail premises etc. over the coming weeks. If you already have staff on-site, preparing to open, or you’re already partially open, we make sure that our safe working practices will be in place to protect you, your employees, customers and everybody else on your premises.

Minimising disruption in public areas

In public areas we’ve also seen an increase in the number of passers-by taking an interest in our work. We normally work in a way to cause minimal disruption to passers-by, but we are having to be extra thoughtful about the additional measures we can put in place to keep people at a safe distance.

As always, we erect safety barriers, but we’re also taking extra care to keep them sanitised and ensure that the rigorous health and safety measures we put in place on site take into account COVID-19 safety for everyone who may come into close proximity.

For us, this is business as normal – even if it is a new normal!

24-hour support to keep you operating post-lockdown

If your premises experience issues with drainage or sewers, we’ve got you covered with our 24/7 emergency call-out service.

All our emergency calls are managed in-house so you can be sure it will be one of our own specialist teams you’ll be dealing with while they make a quick assessment of the issue and fix the problem with minimal disruption to you or your business.

Do you need help with blocked drains or sewers?

At Drain and Sewer Services we’ve been successfully inspecting and unblocking drains, culverts and gullies for more than 50 years. If now is a convenient time to resolve drain or sewage problems on premises you’re responsible for, call us on 01252 312738 or email