If your drainpipes are damaged, you should be worrying about more than leaking water. For rats, a cracked pipe is wide-open door and an invitation into your home.

How do rats enter drains?

Broken drains and sewage systems offer rats shelter and food and act as a superhighway to spread infestation. They only need the smallest breach to get in, which can then let them into your home or property.

While a rat may only be seeking food and shelter, as a home or business owner, rats present a serious issue. Not only can they cause more damage to your drains and property, they also represent a health risk, and could even threaten a business with closure.

How can you stop rats getting into your drains?

To help prevent rats getting into your home, it’s important to ensure your drains and pipes are well maintained and that you are not disposing of food waste and fats down them as this attracts rats.

Installing drain covers and grates can keep rats out. Rat blockers, which only open one way, stop rats from travelling further into your system.

Good drain maintenance also helps prevent other pests such as mice, drain flies and cockroaches from infesting your property.

How can I check my drains?

If you are worried that you may have broken or damaged drainage pipes, our CCTV drain surveys  can quickly assess their condition.

High quality images make it easy to locate damage, even small cracks, quickly and spot any signs of rodent infestation.

CCTV surveys are cost-effective as no digging is needed for an inspection. This means less disruption for our customers, but they do get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we will fix any issues that show up.

Do you need help with damaged or blocked drains or sewers?

If you would like to talk to Drains and Sewer Services about a drain survey using our high-tech CCTV service and how we can confirm that your drains are in good working order and rat free, then call us today on  01252 312738 or email info@drainandsewer.co.uk.