If you want a dropped kerb for ease of access and to ensure you are meeting your obligations when entering you drive across a pavement, we at Drain and Sewer Services have the expertise to help.

Why do I need my kerb dropped?

Did you know that if you want to create new off-street parking for your property it would be illegal for you to drive onto a pavement to access your drive, unless there’s a dropped kerb in place (also known as a vehicle crossover) to protect pedestrians and utilities under the pavement?

Therefore it’s important to take into account installing a dropped kerb right from the beginning of your development project.

What are the benefits of a dropped kerb?

Apart from making it easier for you to access your property, a dropped kerb will:

  • Protect pedestrians, because it signals a vehicle access point
  • Protect the utilities infrastructure that may be hiding under the pavement, by ensuring that it is properly protected when installing the dropped kerb
  • Prevent damage to your vehicles from repeated bumping over a raised kerb
  • Help the flow of traffic by enabling you to use your drive and not park on the road
  • Keep vehicles safer by parking them on a drive

Do I need planning permission for a dropped kerb?

You may need planning permission to drop a kerb. What exactly you require will depend on the classification of road where the dropped kerb is being installed.

It’s important that you speak to your local authority, before you start any work, to understand what they require in order to grant permission to install a dropped kerb.

What work needs doing for a dropped kerb?

Installing a dropped kerb at the roadside means replacing the existing pavement edging with low and then slanted kerbs at each end of the dropped area.

The pavement will be excavated and then rebuilt lower, whilst ensuring that any utilities in the area are undamaged and protected when the lower pavement in installed.

Why choose Drain and Sewer services for your dropped kerb?

Dropping kerbs requires more than you think and our engineers are fully trained with extensive experience of installing dropped kerbs, as well as repairing pavements and kerbing. We also own our own machinery for inserting and removing dropped kerbs in the pavement and repairing roadways.

An NRSWA streetworks accreditation means that we are accredited to carry out street works safely to protect the public passing by.

Our years of experience help us to understand local authority requirements around dropped kerbs and we are here to guide you through the process to make sure your have all the right permissions in place.

If you are installing a new parking area or a new dropped kerb, then repairs to an existing drive may also be needed. In that case, our resurfacing and repair services, block paving laying and repair and driveway cleaning services may also be of interest, to help you create a great looking drive that will stand the test of time.

Do you need help with a dropped kerb?

If you would like to talk further with one of our team at Drain and Sewer Services about kerb dropping and repair services, then call us today on 01252 312738 or email info@drainandsewer.co.uk.