Coverage Area
Drain and sewers will endeavour to cover all areas across the UK for all drainage problems, so please don’t hesitate in contacting us for a quotation.
We are willing to carry out works and provide our professional services in any area where it is both practical and cost efficient for our clients and for us to do so.
Get in touch by calling us on 01252 312738 or email and we will endeavour to be competitive in getting to you!
- Blocked drains / maintenance cleaning
- Gully Emptying and Cleaning
- LMHPWJ – cleaning of foul and storm drainage
- Combination units – for jetting and suction
- CCTV surveys
- Gutter Cleaning
- Re-lining / Re- Rounding
- Excavations
- Emptying of Septic tanks / Oil water interceptors / pump stations
Drains & Gutters
We unblock, clean and repair your drains and gutters to make sure they flow smoothly.
Sewers & Septics
We are experts in both sewers and septics ensuring a quick and reliable solution.
Pump Stations
Keep your pump station in good working order with Drain & Sewer expertise.
Water Mains
If your water main has burst or needs repairing, or you’d like to install a new one, contact us.
CCTV & Testing
We have sophisticated equipment for CCTV surveys and sonde and dye for pipe testing.
Roadworks & Patios
Our skills are not limited to just underground, we provide above ground services too!
Latest News
Drainage and Sewer Solutions for large office buildings
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Drainage for commercial vehicle hardstanding
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What are your legal obligations when you have a septic tank?
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