Businesses have a responsibility to ensure that dirty water doesn’t contaminate the environment. Using washdown bays with separators is one way to ensure that you’re managing contaminated water properly.

What are washdown bays?

Cleaning a vehicle produces contaminated wastewater as the run-off from a vehicle combines with contaminants such as, oil, dirt, dust and the detergents used to clean it. It doesn’t matter whether you wash a vehicle by hand, go to an automated car wash or use a high-pressure cleaning, they all result in dirty water.

If it isn’t managed properly, this contaminated water discharges into the surrounding area and pollutes the ground and waterways. This can lead to damage to the environment and harm to wildlife.

As a business, you have a responsibility to ensure that this doesn’t happen, which is why many businesses use washdown bays to trap the contaminated water.

How do washdown bays work?

Washdown bays use separators that collect the water as it runs off the ground. The contaminated water fills the separation chamber, where dirt and debris begins to settle to the bottom of the chamber.

When water leaves the separator, it has left all of its contaminants at the bottom of the chamber where it can be collected, rather than dispersing into the environment.

This facility to clean cars safely means washdown bays and separators are often found at car washes, car dealerships, and transport depots.

Maintaining your washdown bays

Drain and Sewer Services has recently helped a client to extend their washdown bay and install a new washdown bay and separator.

Using our specialist equipment, we can install, clean and remove all contaminants safely, making sure they are disposed of safely and in line with Environment Agency requirements. And you can be assured that you are continuing to protect your local environment.

Do you need help with contaminated water or blocked drains and sewers?

If you would like to talk to Drains and Sewer Services about maintaining your washdown bays and separators, or preparing your drains and sewers for the winter, then call us on 01252 312738 or email