At any other time of the year, a man dressed in a red suit, with a long white beard, carrying a sack of gifts down the chimney would seem odd, but at Christmas time, it’s perfectly normal and a visit from Santa is something we look forward to.
However, unlike an appearance from Santa, and no matter what time of year it is, there are some things that are far from welcome when they appear in drains and sewers at your home, and they will always be odd, no matter the season.
Ho-Ho-How did that get down there?
For some people, tipping unwanted items down a sink or drain is a matter of “out of sight, out of mind”, but that’s certainly not the end of the story. While wet wipes are the biggest cause of blockages up and down the UK, anything that goes down domestic sinks, toilets and drains that doesn’t belong down there will eventually cause damage or a blockage down the line.
Before you look at our list below of 12 of the most unusual items that have been found in the sewage system over recent years, how many would you have guessed?
- Half a mini car
- A sheep (living)
- A piranha (also alive)
- Toys (not left by Santa)
- Luxury watches and jewellery
- False teeth
- Car tyres
- Underwear
- Face masks
- Mobile phones
- Cat litter
- Cement
These all seem quite amusing but they cause all sorts of problems for whoever was responsible for the drains and sewers they were extracted from.
We will keep your Christmas merry
At Drain and Sewer Services we never know what our next emergency call has in stall for us, so we are always prepared for the unexpected and the unusual.
Over the festive season, everyone may be entertaining more and indulging in their favourite food and drink more than usual, but this generates more waste and our sinks, toilets and drains often pay the price.
With guests to look after, we may not always be as mindful as usual about what we tip down the sink and unfortunately it’s not unusual for us to get a call during the holiday period to help customers with blocked sinks, toilets and drains.
Fats, oils and grease from cooking joints of meat, roasting vegetables, or extra-rich gravy, when they get tipped down a the sink will build up and eventually cause a blockage as it solidifies; and no amount of mulled wine will distract you or your guests from a smelly drain.
In order to make sure you can return to your mince pies and favourite festive film, our team at Drain and Sewer services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to manage emergencies.
It may not be as exciting as seeing Santa and his reindeer arrive on your roof top, but you will be just has relieved to see us in one of our distinctive yellow vehicles, ready for action. And once we’ve worked our own Christmas magic, you can get be back to the festivities.
Are you looking for property maintenance support?
If you are responsible for maintaining drains, sewers and culverts on your premises and would like to talk to Drain and Sewer Services about our range of drain unblocking or drain cleaning services, then don’t delay. Call us on 01252 312738 or email to find out how we can help.